High Street Retailers

For our purposes here, retailers fall into two defined groups - those who sell online and those who don’t. If you sell via the web you may be interested in our Ecommerce page where we talk about all the benefits of the Iridium software when it’s integrated into your site as the parcel-shipping software connecting customers to couriers, and how useful it is for administration, marketing, and management. This page, however, is dedicated to traditional retailers.

Plenty of high street retailers do not sell online through choice. If you are one of them then Iridium’s Returns solution is going to be hugely useful for you. However, if your lack of digital sales is due to budgetary constraints or lack of knowledge, then as professional designers and developers we can also create a stunning ecommerce presence for your business on request.

It may sound odd, but making it easier for customers to return unwanted items to you actually encourages sales, and the more you can automate the process the greater the savings you can make.

Iridium’s Returns solution can integrate with any website, even one that does not have ecommerce functionality. It’s a quick and simple integration process that, once complete, will offer your customers an easy-to-use option to book (and pay for) the return of any item via the courier of your choice, or through your own fleet of vehicles.

• For more information on our website design and development services, whether a simple brochure site or a fully-functional ecommerce masterpiece, take a look at our Bespoke Design & Development page or contact us today.

• For more information on our Returns solution and to find out how easy it could be to integrate this incredibly useful customer-orientated software into your website, either take a look at our Returns page or contact us.

For more details about our flagship software solution, view our Iridium page or our Iridium Features page. Alternatively, contact us today to find out how Iridium can help your business to achieve its growth and customer care goals.